First Free Methodist Church, Seattle

November 2, 2024

8:30am - 3:30pm

The Pacific Northwest Conference (PNWC) is excited to offer a full day of training and equipping in Cultural Intelligence (CQ). We are partnering with Rev. Dr. Fraser Venter, Strategic Catalyst for Love-Driven Justice, and Rev. Dr. Harry Li, Mosaix Global Partners. This event is for all pastors and any leaders in your team

Harry has been pastoring a multiethnic, intergenerational, and socio-economically diverse church in the heart of Little Rock, Arkansas for the last 22 years, while Fraser, after 30 years of pastoring, has been leading FMCUSA's Love-Driven Justice efforts. Both are CQ Certified Facilitators and have led, together, multiple workshops for at least four of our conferences. Interesting note: Prior to pastoring Mosaic, Harry was an Electrical Engineering Professor at the University of Idaho.

The Mosaix Global Network uses the Cultural Intelligence (CQ®) assessment as a means to provide faith-based groups with a starting point for their theologically based training.  It is a research-based assessment taken by over 250,000 people from 160 countries! (For more about the what and why of CQ: https://culturalq.com/about-cultural-intelligence/) On this day Harry and Fraser will walk us through the results of our previously completed assessment in an engaging and encouraging workshop meant to lead us towards practical outcomes as leaders. 

All PNWC Elders and CMCs are expected to attend. We welcome our local church lay delegates and church leaders.


  • Register using the button below.

  • Complete the CQ Assessment (link and instructions will be sent in the registration confirmation email) by October 11th.

This will be a fun and encouraging day, and we hope you and your leaders will attend, ready to engage in a great tool to help us be a beloved community where everyone in the PNWC belongs and thrives.